Friday 23 March 2018


This week we watched the Year 1 production of 'Eddie the penguin' . We really enjoyed the singing and the acting and the costumes were amazing. It also taught us a very important message about looking after our world.
We have been learning about Easter. For Literacy we read about the story of Easter. All the children had a go at writing sentences about what happened in the story. Some children also wrote their own books. We had some amazing writing and Mrs Byrne and Mrs Burgess (our RE subject leader) really enjoyed reading them.
We had a very enjoyable time for Sports Relief. We did some circuits to the BeeGees 'Staying Alive.' Mrs McCormick came and lead a 70's disco dance routine at the end which we all really enjoyed.
We have not sent home learning home this week. There will be an Easter challenge to complete over the holidays. 

1 comment:

  1. I had lots of fun writing my own Easter story.
    I also enjoyed watching Eddie the Penguin.
    I went To see shrek at the theatre.


The Train Ride

The children have come back from the holidays eager to learn and to share what they did. We have read the story of 'The Train Ride'...