Friday 2 February 2018

Number Day!

Today it was the NSPCC number day. We all came in dressed in a number and brought some money for charity. 'We bringed in money and we used it for charity.' Isaac. 'We paid for our snack.' Maddison. 'We counted the numbers.' Ola
We read the story of the Rainbow fish and we wrote a sentence. 'The Rainbow fish was sharing and caring at the end.' Jimmy. In our computing lesson we learned how to use the 2 create a super story programme to make pictures and write sentences. Some of the children had a go at writing a book. Nia wrote the Rainbow Fish story in he own words.
Tonight we are all looking forward to the school disco!
Next week we are learning about money. The home learning is to learn about money by paying for things and perhaps playing shops together.


  1. For their homework I got the twins to pay for some snacks in the shops with some coins so that they can start recognising the coins value by looking at the numbers on it. They enjoyed this exercise and thank you to the shopkeeper for his patience.

  2. For their homework I got the twins to pay for some snacks in the shops with some coins so that they can start recognising the coins value by looking at the numbers on it. They enjoyed this exercise and thank you to the shopkeeper for his patience.

  3. We set up a little shop with pretend food and used coins to pay for the items. Sophia is starting to remember the different coins


The Train Ride

The children have come back from the holidays eager to learn and to share what they did. We have read the story of 'The Train Ride'...