Thursday 29 March 2018

Goodbye Mrs Byrne

This week was Mrs Byrne's last week as she is retiring. We had a party on Tuesday and Mr Marvel came to entertain us. He was very funny and we all enjoyed it including the teachers. We all had a piece of cake in the afternoon.
We had a very special assembly on Thursday and we sang two songs for Mrs Byrne. We sang the song 'Sing' as a whole school and it was absolutely wonderful. Mr Byrne came in as well to wish Mrs Byrne a happy retirement.
We will miss Mrs Byrne, but we are also excited to come back after Easter to a new Head Teacher and a new school.
We all made our own Easter basket and the Easter bunny came and left us all some Easter eggs. Happy Easter!
Our Home Learning is to complete the FORIS Easter challenge. We are looking forward to seeing some interesting ideas with a potato.

Friday 23 March 2018


This week we watched the Year 1 production of 'Eddie the penguin' . We really enjoyed the singing and the acting and the costumes were amazing. It also taught us a very important message about looking after our world.
We have been learning about Easter. For Literacy we read about the story of Easter. All the children had a go at writing sentences about what happened in the story. Some children also wrote their own books. We had some amazing writing and Mrs Byrne and Mrs Burgess (our RE subject leader) really enjoyed reading them.
We had a very enjoyable time for Sports Relief. We did some circuits to the BeeGees 'Staying Alive.' Mrs McCormick came and lead a 70's disco dance routine at the end which we all really enjoyed.
We have not sent home learning home this week. There will be an Easter challenge to complete over the holidays. 

Friday 16 March 2018

Science week

We had a fantastic week for science week and we learned so much. We had a bubbles work shop on Tuesday and we explored what happens when we blow bubbles. We found out that we had to blow gently to make the bubbles come out. We explored different resources to find out which ones made the best bubbles. We found out that Lego didn't make bubbles because there are no holes in it.
On Wednesday Alice' parents came in to show us how science is linked with music. We explored different sounds through electricity. We found out that we have electricity in our fingers and we explored how we can make long and short sounds and loud and soft sounds.
We explored different materials and talked about whether they were natural or man made. We did an experiment to find out which materials are water proof. Some children had a go at making bird houses for a bird using modelling materials. We thought about how we could make it waterproof and how we could make it cosy for the birds inside. We chose different resources to try and to test.
On Wednesday afternoon we went to Woodlands. We made potions in the muddy kitchen and we had a go at making bird's nests out of found natural materials. Some of the nests were very creative.
In the mornings, we made a collage out of different materials and described how they felt. Each group tested sugar, salt and sand to find out what happened to them. We realised that salt and sugar dissolve and that sand didn't. The children noticed that the sand sank to the bottom and some children made links to the seaside.
Our printer has not worked this week so we are unable to put stickers in the home learning books. Our home learning this weekend is to look for 3D shapes, name and describe them and then record your findings.

Friday 9 March 2018


On Monday we all walked to St Luke's school to see their animals. 'My favourite animal was the hedgehog.' Sam. 'The dog had a badge. She had the same pictures as my sister's dog.' Ola. 'We saw a lizard.' Joe. 'We could hold the animals.' Isaac. 'I liked the chameleon because there was lots of nice patterns and colours.'Nia. 'I liked it when the chameleon was green.' Sophia. 'I liked the bearded dragon because it had a beard.' Theo. 'I liked the bird when it balanced on my finger.' Jimmy.
When we got back to school we talked about camouflage. 'When army have suits on and it matches to the grass and that means camouflage.' Jude. Some children made some pictures of animals and made a pattern behind to camouflage it. 'I made a chameleon' Teddy.
We have been learning about subtraction this week. We practised by choosing two numbers and then choosing the biggest number. We then counted out the correct number of objects and took the smaller number away. We also used 10's frames to work out the answers.
We wore our Book Day hats to our celebration assembly in the afternoon, as we had a snow day last week and we weren't able to show them to the rest of the school.
Our home learning this week is to draw a picture and write about things that we do to keep healthy.

The Train Ride

The children have come back from the holidays eager to learn and to share what they did. We have read the story of 'The Train Ride'...