Friday 12 January 2018

Maths is all around

We have been exploring our new Maths shed outside. 'There was some number spoons.' Matthew. 'They got numbers on them.' Alice. 'We learn about numbers with the number spoons.' Iris. 'We counted them and put them in order.' Jack. 'We had to find small things and big things. There are numbers.' Jimmy. 'We picked up objects on the spoons. We counted them.' Isaac. 'There was some shapes in there and you can count with them and play snap with them.' Maddison. 'There were some numbers that we could count. There were 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 blocks. We counted them.' Orlando. 'There was a clock in there.' Ola.
We read the story of the Gingerbread Man. 'The Gingerbread jumped out of the oven and ran away.' Leila. We all did some writing. 'We put writing in the speech bubbles.' Sam. We had a picture of a fox. Benji wrote 'I want to eat you.'
We all made models with the Sticklebricks and used the Talking Postcards to record what we had made. 'I made a house for the Gingerbread Man.' Harry.
Next week we are starting our topic of Colours of the World by having a week on colour. Our Home Learning is to bring something to school that is red.


  1. I like the talking postcard. I like listening to my voice.
    Miles McDonald

  2. I like my school.Ola wrote this herself! Ola

  3. Still talking about colours and the rainbow. Working on perfecting his rainbow drawing.


The Train Ride

The children have come back from the holidays eager to learn and to share what they did. We have read the story of 'The Train Ride'...